Offer Your Services

Here’s how it works:

Are you a travel blogger? Get paid to plan trips for others!

Are you a fashion blogger? Get paid for styling services!

Are you a master of any blogging related field? Instagram growth/SEO/Wordpress? Offer tutoring/consultation/workshops for fellow bloggers!

  • Trip planning:

Many travel bloggers get requests from other travelers to help them plan their trips. Some of these bloggers made it a profession and charge from 50$ an hour or 1000$ for planning a whole trip!

Of course, if you’re just giving some advice you shouldn’t charge for it but you can definitely plan a whole trip for a family that doesn’t have the time to do it themselves (like my family) and get paid for your expertise. You can do it through a personal meeting with clients and offer tailor-made trips or even host the events in which you talk about the destination you specialize in.

Make sure you display your services at a prominent spot on your website, let your family and friends know of your service and simply make it known that if someone needs assistance in planning their trip you’re the person for the job! Make sure you include testimonials and recommendations from former clients on your landing page. Make it visually appealing and include details of your service.

Need help building a landing page that promotes your service? I’m here to help! See what I’ve done here? ???? 


Netta Dagni is the expert when it comes to trips in the U.S and she offers planning services on her site.

Tom Landau is another traveler who specialized in southeast Asia and offers both personal trip planning services as well as paid lectures in which he also shares his maps for each destination.

  • Styling

If you’re a fashion blogger you might consider providing styling sessions if that’s what you’re into or anything that has to do with lifestyle and fashion.


Doron Bar from Stylista, for example, sells boutique fashion items on her website to her audience of followers.

  • Blogging and social media services: 

Other bloggers that made a name for themselves in a certain field can offer a service in this field. From managing Instagram accounts/Facebook groups for others, building landing pages or a whole website, improving SEO or site speed, teaching editing on Lightroom and whatnot.

Most often than not people will reach out to you and ask you about something you do really well. That’s what should make you think- “hm… that’s something I can maybe help others with…”

I got many questions about collaborations with hotels after my trip to Sri Lanka and because of those questions I started my “Collaborations with hotels” course.

I also started helping others with managing Facebook groups, building an entire website and writing content.

I recommend you can check out all of my services on my about page.

Other examples:

Miriam from @HerTalesofVisuals offers Instagram workshops in which she teaches how to improve Instagram growth like she did on her account.